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Alumni News

MSUnions: 2018 Edition

Posted in: Alumni News and Events

Campus Couple Amphitheater

Montclair State Sweetheart Couples

All kinds of relationships are formed in college. Professional relationships, friendships and mentorships can all result from time well spent at Montclair State University. For some lucky students, another type of relationship develops amid the bustle of collegiate life: romance. For these couples, love blossomed right here at Montclair State. Every pair has a unique story. Read on to find out more about each of these couples who’ve found true love at Montclair State!

Paola Reveco ’03, ’08 MS and Oscar Garcia ’06 met in the Fall of 2001. “He was pledging Lamba Sigma Upsilon, and I was pledging the sister sorority, Mu Sigma Upsilon. We became fast friends and began dating April 2002. We were married in 2007 and have been inseparable ever since,” says Reveco.

Kelly Sheehan O’Melia ’99 and Brendan O’Melia ’00 were Broadcasting majors at Montclair State when they met. The couple shares a classic love story – they met at the Dumont Television Studio and quickly became best friends. The couple even had their first kiss in the Amphitheater on campus. The rest, as they say, is history!

Daniela Aghadjanian ’09 and Jonathan Velez ’08 met during 2007 when Daniela tried to help a peer resurrect a Greek organization. Jonathan was the expansion chair of the Greek Council and they had a meeting one evening in January. After a few months of getting to know each other, Daniela and Jonathan started dating. Daniela was a peer leader that summer and they were able to spend many evenings getting to know each other. A year later, Jonathan proposed knowing that they would have a long engagement with finishing college. On April 1, 2017, after relocating to FL for work, Daniela and Jonathan got married with many of their Montclair State friends by their side.

Cassie Nahrebne Della Pesca ’07 and John Della Pesca ’07 met while attending a Coaching Basketball course. “We ended up choosing the same book to do our research project. The book was John Wooden, which so happens to still be one our favorite books and a table name at our wedding,” says Casse. “However, you can also say that we met through athletics. Both being collegiate athletes, John played lacrosse, and I would work the games as a ball girl. I played soccer and we would attend each other games, and had a lot of the same friends.”

Are you a sweetheart couple? Send us your story, photos and information at or complete our online survey. To read about more MSUnions, visit our website. We invite you to make a gift in honor of your sweetheart. For more information, contact Stacy Albanese ’08, ’17 MA, Associate Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Engagement, at 973-655-5465 or